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American Headway 2 Workbook - 3rd Edition
소비자가격 20,000원 20%할인
판매가격 16,000원
브랜드 Oxford
출판사 Oxford
ISBN 9780194725910
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

 The Headway series and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, have helped around 100 million students in over 127 countries learn English. Teachers around the world have told us that Headway helps students succeed in and beyond the classroom. Read their stories at

American Headway third edition supports students to succeed beyond the classroom more than ever before.

Students can:
  • Accelerate their progress in speaking and prepare for high-stake tests with more conversation.
  • Manage their own learning with new digital resources.
  • The Oxford Online Skills Program allows students to improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills independently.
  • iChecker Online Self-Assessment prepares students for exam success with a variety of exam-style test preparation exercises.

American Headway also supports teachers to prepare successful lessons. In our American Headway global teacher survey (Oxford University Press, 2014), 89% of teachers reported that they are more creative and willing to try new activities after using American Headway. 71% said they are more passionate in their teaching.

With the third edition, teachers can now:
  • Download 100% new assessment material from the Testing Program.
  • Bring the Student Book, Workbook, and all media together in one place and create a dynamic classroom environment with iTools classroom presentation software.

제품명 American Headway 2 Workbook - 3rd Edition
판매가격 16,000원
브랜드 Oxford
제조사 Oxford
북플래너 추천도서 (함께 학습하면 실력 향상에 도움이 되는 추천 도서)
American Headway Starter Workbook - 3rd Edition
20,000원 20% off
American Headway 5 Workbook - 3rd Edition
20,000원 20% off
American Headway 4 Workbook - 3rd Edition
20,000원 20% off
American Headway 3 Workbook - 3rd Edition
20,000원 20% off
American Headway 2 Workbook - 3rd Edition
20,000원 20% off
American Headway 1 Workbook - 3rd Edition
20,000원 20% off
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회사명: 탑외국어사(이엘티존) | 대표자: 김태규 | 사업자등록번호: 402-16-79738 [정보확인] | 통신판매업 신고: 2021-전주완산-0827 | 호스팅 서비스 제공: (주)씨엔아이소프트
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